Navigating Stress: A Guide for Writers and Creatives
If you’re dreading the upcoming holiday season, you’re not the only one. It’s OK to lean into the discomfort. Once you’ve done that, put your best foot forward and continue on your journey. This, too, shall pass.
Beating an addiction helped process growing up an outsider
Any recovery programe starts in the same way. You admit you have a problem and it consumes you. In my…
Alcohol and me: An uneasy mix
It’s tough not drinking in a society where alcohol rules. Especially during lockdown. Every Friday Zoom meeting ends with someone saying how much they can’t wait to pour a gin and switch off.
Write what you know … and other myths exploded
I spent my Manchester years stumbling from one bar and bed to another. If I’d written only of familiar things, my debut novel would have told a very different story.
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