THE MFS - Just stopped by


The MFs

The MFs is a collective of oddballs and scoundrels dancing the beat of UK author Mo Fanning. He got sick of paying for music to create video supporting his books, so he recorded his own. And long may the MFs continue.

See below for singles and the DEBUT ALBUM – Just Stopped By.

Rainbows and Lollipops

Rainbows and Lollipops

The 'theme song' to my 2025 novel. Stream now. Keep an eye out for the limited edition vinyl 7" single

Logical Progressions

Logical Progressions

Slightly darker and way more like the stuff you used to love when you were way way younger

Nothing Stays the Same

Jake's song from 'Rainbows and Lollipops' - if Jake was a Taylor Swift tribute act

Revenge is sweet

Something delicious is coming very soon - and if you love Eurovision, try the B-side 'Over and Out'. Includes a less saccharine fuelled version of 'Rainbows and Lollipops' - the album version

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