Passive Aggressive Master Class
Uncovering mild passive-aggression is easy. Simply jump a queue, stand on the wrong side of an escalator, or try to pay for anything with a twenty-quid note.

The joys of a new job
The thing you miss most when you start a new job though is a licence to moan. As a writer this is your thing. In your old job you got to huddle round the kettle and whine about how Debbie from Accounts spends half her day on Facebook.

Is it enough to see Sarah Miles in Lidl?
The Fannings have reached a bit of a crossroads again. After so long in Amsterdam, it’s proving harder to find the right place to settle back in the UK.

Brighton Baby – British writer Mo Fanning on moving city
So what’s going on with the weather then? Don’t judge the writer for this weak opening gambit. I’ve spent almost eight years…
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