How to find time to write when you have a full-time job
Finding time to write can be a challenge when you have a full-time job.
Is there any money in writing a novel?
All about the money side of being an author.

Chemo brain and writing
I’m supposed to be editing. Or as I like to call it deleting six months hard work to write a…

The joys of a new job
The thing you miss most when you start a new job though is a licence to moan. As a writer this is your thing. In your old job you got to huddle round the kettle and whine about how Debbie from Accounts spends half her day on Facebook.

RIPE for Tallinn
Sorry for the lack of diary entries, been in a bit of a creative slump and didn’t have the spark to write much, busy dealing with the rejection letters from agents who you suspect haven’t even read your work – particular Kudos to the agency who shall remain nameless who said that thrillers were not really her genre – in response to ‘Help’ and the other one who had their very junior assistant reply on their behalf that stories about serial killers were not really her thing – well I’m with her on that.