Should You Rely on AI for Editorial Feedback on Your Novel?
Is relying on AI for editorial feedback on your novel ethical and practical?
16 ways for writers to create a rounded character
A 16-point character creation checklist. Not knowing enough about the characters in your story is the biggest cause of writer’s block.
Planner or pantser – what sort of writer are you?
Do you plan your writing or ‘fly by the seat of your pants’? Which is right and why does a mix of these two approaches lead to success?
Writer’s block – yet another writer with yet another tip
Writer’s block is painful. Everyone gets a form of it at some point, and most writers have ways of dealing with it. A frequent fix is to ‘just write anything’ until the feeling of being blocked passes.
Why I don’t write every day
‘Experts’ tell anybody who calls themselves an author they must ‘write something every day’. It need not be their finest work….
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