The art of doing two things at once
In which I admit I’m not able to do two things at once. Something’s got to give. And I’m afraid that has to be the stand-up.
Have I created too many characters?
The struggle for me lies in showing the same economy of story I’ve learned to show with words. I could wrap this baby in 1000 words and move onto the final scenes that drag me across the finishing line. But that means culling the bit part actors.
That was the year that was
Around about this time last year, I decided to scratch a personal itch – and that does indeed sound like something…
Chemo brain and writing
I’m supposed to be editing. Or as I like to call it deleting six months hard work to write a…
This is the bit where I start to feel better, right?
Mo Fanning – over-sharing cancer bore – talks about the treatment stage of testicular cancer – the chemotherapy and scans stage – and the unexpected steroid boost.