Writing tips – How to plot using beat sheets
You’ve possibly heard of beat sheets – and if not, let me introduce you to the only tool able to contain my disorganised writer brain. Beat sheets are easy to understand. Each ‘beat’ represents one block of the story.
Writing Tips: Research … or finding stuff out
Research can be boring. It can be hard. It can be tedious. It will take time away from writing your story. But it’s worth it.
When a character loves another but doesn’t like them
Whether it’s friends, family members or romantic partners, at some point in our lives we have to navigate relationships with people who we love but don’t like very much.
How can you research characters if they doesn’t exist?
One of the hardest parts of writing characters is getting the balance right. It’s indisputable that anyone who creates a…
Generating ideas for writing a novel
When I came up with the idea for my next book, I had to decide if I was up to…